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 â€‹-When signing up for a commission, you are agreeing to the Terms of Service- 



  • Be aware that commission progress may possibly be live-streamed and/or recorded. Please give notice to the artist if there is any objection to any streaming/recording of the requested commission.

  • The artist does not draw NSFW art or Cub Furs. Also do not expect the artist to draw in a different style from their own.

  • Deadlines only exist for emergency commissions. Emergency commissions may require extra cost and a reasonable time frame.

  • Any commission may be turned down by the artist before placed in queue, with or without reason.

  • Commission prices may be subject to change at any time. Any commission requests already awaiting approval, in queue, or in progress at the time will be unaffected during change.

  • Terms of service may be subject to change at any time.



  • A satisfactory reference sheet will be required for each character. Other art made for the character(s) may also be helpful, but is not required unless it can make up for a less than satisfactory reference sheet.

  • Before requesting a commission, you must be sure you're able to follow the agreed payment plan and provide any other requested information for payment.

  • Contact must be available until the commission is done. If there will be any communication issues, give notice ahead of time. Lack of communication over a long period of time may result in the commission being put on hold.



  • Currently, payment is only available through PayPal.

  • The payment plan will vary depending on the type of commission that is requested. Full payment will always be required before receiving the finished product.

  • Refunds are not available. The only exceptions will be made upon rare and reasonable agreement of both buyer and seller before completion of the commission.

  • Any sort of payment for a commission will only be required after the commission request has been approved. Paying for a commission before approval does not automatically guarantee a spot in the commission queue.

  • Scamming, stealing, or any similar act regarding payment is prohibited. Doing such may result in an attempt to retrieve payment through legal means and warning/alerting other sellers.



  • The buyer is limited to three revision or edit requests during the commission process. Otherwise, revisions and edits will only occur when input is needed to continue.

  • Major edits will not be allowed or may require extra payment if approved by the artist. Same applies with requesting another commission while already in queue.



  • The artist's watermark or signature may not be removed, edited, cropped, or covered in any way.

  • The artist has the right to post their creation(s) whenever and wherever.

  • Do not copy, trace, redraw, or steal any artwork created by the artist. 

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